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Roy Santa Maria

July 4, 1940 - September 29, 2024

Life Legacy

 Born July 4th, 1940 in Albany California. There was little exposure to religion as I grew up. My father was raised as a Catholic but never attended church. My mother was a Baptist but seldom went to church. She would take my older brother and I to a local church on Easter and Christmas Eve. I became interested in Buddhism while a sophmore in high school after reading a library book by John Watts titled " The Wisdom of Insecurity". Continues reading many books on Buddhism. In the mid 1970s i Became an active member of the Buddhist Churhc of Oakland. Attended for many years (one of three nonjapanese members). Traveled to Japan on five seperate occasions (two of them as temple sponsered trips).


I met my wife, Peggy, through work in the title insurance business in 1975. I started attending Sunday services with her at Bay Farm Community Church (then known as Bay Farm Christian Fellowship). Became a friend with Pastor Andy Acquistapace through a mutual interedt in photography. Spent several Saturdays with pastor Andy going on photo-shoots in the Bay Area. Pastor Andy asked me to operate his Apple laptop during services to shoe song lyrics and sermon notes on a portable screen in what is known as the Events Center. Eventually, a permanent screen and a location for the computer were set up next to old sound board location. Pastor Andy eventually retired and Jim Meyer became the new pastor. I continued doing PowerPoint for many years with Pastor Jim. I finally 'retired" from the Power Point Job - before current worship center was built. i found Pastor Andy's sermons to be somewhat boring. I enjoyed Pastor Jim's sermons, as he emphasized a more practical approach to each week's lessons.


Eventually, Jim meyer moved on and Pastor John Willoughby became Bay Farm's pastor. I did not like Pastor John's sermons. His approach was more biblically based and not as "friendly" as I was used to with Pastor John's sermons. Over the years I finnally came to appreciate pastor John's sermons and see the "Word for what it is, without a lot of frills and embellishments. Listening to Pastor John over the years and living with my wife Peggy ( and seeing he daily devotion to Jesus Christ) led me to finally realize that the "Path" I had been seeking most of my adult life was right in front of me. Jesus Christ has already walked the "Path'' for me and all I needed to do was follow in His footsteps. On July 1st of this year I met with Pastor John in his office and, with my wife Peggy next to me, committed my life to Jesus Christs. 

I look foward to being baptized and publicy proclaiming my belief in Jesus Christ.

Contact Us

Grissom's Chapel & Mortuary Inc.

267 E. Lewelling Blvd.
San Lorenzo, CA 94580
(510) 278-2800

Grissom's Cremation & Burial Centers

9130-B Alcosta Blvd.
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 560-0800

Grissom's Crematory, Inc.

267 E. Lewelling Blvd.
San Lorenzo, CA 94580